March 29, 2010

Just For Fun

Friday night was spent in a small group playing the game of Jacks with agility equipment.  For those of you who do not know how to play jacks, it is quite simple.  You bounce a ball and pick up one jack. Bounce the ball again and pick up two jacks.  Bounce the ball again and you pick up three jacks, etc.  For Pepper's class, the ball was the weave poles.  Oh you dreaded weave poles!  We need more work with this piece of equipment.  Angles, entrances and drive!  Pepper decided yet again that making her own course is more fun than listening to me. And why not when one gets rewarded for doing an A-frame correctly!  Needless to say, she got into a bit of trouble and THEN decided to listen to me!!  She repeated this behaviour at class last night as well and got into some serious trouble!  Time to take the contact equipment out again and just work on jumps, weaves, tunnels and tire!!

Taz played the game as well.  For his level, the table was the ball.  For bonus points, they had to down on the table.  Well laying down on command is Taz' speciality!!!  We must have racked up 4 extra bonus points.  I still have tonnes of work to do with him.  He needs to learn how to judge jump distances so he does not knock bars down.  We ended the game on a positive note with him staring over the edge of the table at the ground.  I knelt down to see what he was looking at, sticking my finger under the table looking for any misplaced treats.  He had a blast!  We walked into the ring in style without incident!  He is getting much better at walking through a crowd of people without feeling overwhelmed!

Gizmo is still patiently waiting for his cellmates to be sprung from their room.  Due to a nasty kitty cold that has hit our place, Riki and Rebel needed to be segregated while they all got better!  Riki ended up going on antibiotics last week.  I will be giving them an extra couple days of rest before they get turned loose during the day again.  Gizmo will be soooo happy to be playing with his buddies again!  Maybe we need another cat for him..... no wait.... scratch that.... slap my hands..... Gizmo is enough to deal with and drives me crazy every day already!!

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